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nextstep progression workshops

NextStep Workshops

NEXTSTEP workshops are a great way to complete a developmental or working experience. They are designed to support participants who face the challenge of finding new employment and feel conflicted, uncertain and anxious about the future. 


  • Facilitators create a safe space for participants to acknowledge how they are feeling in an open and authentic way.

  • They are encouraged to reflect on and harvest the skills and experience they have gained.

  • Creative visioning allows participants to imagine where they want to be and how best to get there.

  • Practical sessions guide them to identify potential opportunities, exploit networks and prepare the best possible CV and motivation letter.

  • At the end of the workshop participants walk away with a better sense of what they have to offer, what it is they want and how best to go about accessing this.

Individual Career Coaching

Individual Career and personal Coaching 

Lisa supports individuals to identify where they are in their career, where they want to be and how best to get there. She adds a practical flavour to the coaching due to her years of experience running a recruitment agency and placing candidates at all levels into a variety of jobs.  



As a certified coach in the International Zen Coaching Network, Lisa works with clients keen to explore the particular personal issues or challenges they feel are blocking them from experiencing the joy, equanimity and contentment that we all long for.  She encourages clients to identify and inquire into their current reality and discover the value of their experience from the safe space created by deep listening and reflection.


These one-hour sessions generally take place on a weekly basis and are coupled with practical exercises. They are offered either as one-off explorations or in blocks of 5 to 10 sessions.

Personal Development Youth

personal development workshops for youth 

Lisa has designed a range of personal development workshops and courses to encourage youth to become active players in charge of their own lives, making the most of opportunities that come their way. These workshops are useful for initiating and orientating new employees or programme recruits and encouraging retention.



  • Participants discover that their experience and life circumstances do not define them, but instead provide them with the courage and resilience they need to move forward.

  • They experience increased self-awareness, self-confidence, and emotional intelligence.

  • They start to develop the subtle skills vital for navigating our complicated context.


Lisa’s signature course, Breaking Beliefs, is a personal development programme designed to challenge the mindset of participants and support them in letting go of the painful negative beliefs and habitual reactive patterns that hold them back from becoming their best selves. This intervention has had a powerful effect on many participants who have reported increased self-confidence, more peace and contentment and a stronger sense of themselves and their potential.


Breaking Beliefs can be incorporated into any youth or staff development programme as part of a training or self-development curriculum.


Here is how one participant, Refilwehape Mofokeng, summed up Breaking Beliefs:


"I would really recommend Breaking Beliefs to anyone, especially as it teaches you to be more self-aware and conscious about different world views and you learn not to force your world view on someone else. You accept that we all see the world in a different way. And it also teaches you to shun away from the role of being the judge and telling people what they are supposed be doing and imposing the word 'should' on them. And you learn to dig deeper within yourself and discover your essential qualities in life. You don’t just look at things on the surface, you dig deeper.'"

Team Development Workshops

team development workshops

Does your team need a boost? Are you battling to implement change in the workplace? Do attempts at performance management or constructive criticism cause tension? Do team members feel unheard or unimportant? Do you even know how they feel?  



NEXTSTEP can design and deliver workshops to encourage your team to grow and develop, embrace change and face challenges in a robust and sustainable way. Examples of some of the workshops we offer for teams include:


  • Exploring criticism – what does it tell us and why don’t we like it?

  • Being a curious employee (and employer) – how does curiosity make work more satisfying and improve your image?

  • My team-mates just don’t like me – how to discover if this is true and if it matters

  • The secret of the perfect team – being authentic - no one wants to wear a mask to work

  • Non-violent communication at work – how to bring empathy into difficult conversations

© 2021 NextStep Coaching

Cape Town, South Africa

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